
‍Solar Farm

BNRG Leeson is in the planning stage for a proposed solar farm and battery energy storage system (BESS) at a site on Anderson Lane, Bairnsdale. The site is 176 hectares and located 10.5 kilometres from the Bairnsdale township.

We are in the process of preparing a planning permit application, seeking project approval from the Minister for Planning, via the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP). The application will include a Planning Report that assesses impacts to the local environment and the community.

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Longford Solar farm details

Project Details

  • check points
    Approximately 180 people employed at peak construction and 12 jobs for operation, plus use of local contractors.
  • check points
    176 Hectares project site, with approximately 166,800 solar panels used, enough to power 20,000 homes around Victoria.
  • check points
    A battery energy storage system with around 150MWh of capacity will be installed

Project Timeline

Final timing depends on approvals from Council and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DECCA), final design, and availability of materials for construction. Below is what we are working towards.

Planning permit Application for Longford solar farm
Before lodging the Planning Report, we are in early conversations with DTP about the proposed design and requirements.
Construction details of Longford solar farm
May/ June 2024
We will lodge the planning permit application to be reviewed by the Minister for Planning and Planning Assessment Team within DTP.
longford Solar farm will be operational in late 2023
June 2024
The planning application will be advertised, and the community will be notified. DTP will also refer the application to relevant government agencies and authorities for consideration and feedback.
Construction details of Longford solar farm
June - September 2024
Following consultation with the local Government and other decision-makers, DTP and the Minister for Planning will determine the outcome.
longford Solar farm will be operational in late 2023
Late 2025
Construction will commence

Who is developing the project?

The project is owned and developed by BNRG Leeson, a joint venture between BNRG Renewables and Leeson Group. BNRG Renewables are an established multi-national developer and operator of solar farms, based in Dublin, Ireland

Leeson Group are an Australian-owned, Melbourne-based renewable energy company that has successfully developed several large-scale solar farms in Victoria.

Peter Leeson profile photo from Leeson Group
About this site

The site is extremely well screened from public vantage points, and most neighbouring properties. It was strategically chosen by BRNG Leeson because there is a high-voltage transmission line running adjacent to the site. The transmission line will enable the power to be easily exported into the grid, with very little new infrastructure. Moreover, the site boasts an abundance of direct sunlight per square metre, making it an ideal location for harnessing solar energy efficiently. Additionally, the land on the site is relatively flat and clear, presenting minimal environmental constraints and simplifying the construction process.

BRNG Leeson plans to develop detailed site plans, thoughtfully considering all physical and environmental aspects, and actively engaging with communities and authorities to ensure a harmonious integration of the solar farm within the region.
Peter Leeson profile photo from Leeson Group

Solar panels and mounting system

Around 166,800 solar panels mounted on metal structures (pile driven to minimise ground disturbance and the use of concrete). The panels will track the sun throughout the day. This minimises shading and allows for groundcover growth and access for maintenance.

Inverter stations

There will be 20-30 inverter stations. Inverters convert power from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).

Grid Connection

The solar farm will feature a 66kV grid connection.

Electrical substation

Next to the substation, there will be a 150MWh battery system, a switching station and underground cabling to connect to the high voltage network.

Security fencing and visual screens

Chain mesh fencing will secure the site from the public roads.

Access Road

There will be all-weather access tracks for emergency vehicles and maintenance

Managing Impacts

We place a strong emphasis on minimising any adverse impacts to the community and surrounding environment to meet our goal of sustainable development. To achieve this, we are undertaking a comprehensive process of preparing specialised reports that thoroughly assess these potential impacts and any required mitigation. In particular, the reports will include a detailed evaluation of the local roads to ensure that any traffic implications are adequately addressed. Additionally, we are conducting assessments to understand the potential landscape and visual impacts associated with the project to ensure that the solar farm integrates seamlessly into its surroundings.

All reports will be included as a part of the planning application to the State Government. During construction, we will take care to limit noise and vehicle movements. We will also maintain a clean worksite and ensure that the safety of our workforce and the community are always kept at the forefront.

Reach out to us for more information.

Speak to our one of our community officers for all your queries regarding this solar farm. We want to ensure that everyone's questions are answered and satisfied with all the knowledge.

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